Mumtalakat Holds Educational Workshop on Legal Affairs for Group

Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company (Mumtalakat), the sovereign wealth fund of the Kingdom of Bahrain, hosted legal professionals from across its portfolio companies in its second Lunch & Learn workshop this year, yesterday.
Following the success of the IT workshop on “Cybersecurity & Cloud Computing” in February 2018, the latest workshop on legal affairs, which explored crisis management, transparency and current legislations brought together legal professionals from Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Russia, Germany and the UK in sessions organised in partnership with Norton Rose Fulbright (Middle East) LLP.
In his welcome address, Mahmood H. Alkooheji, CEO of Mumtalakat, said, “The wide-ranging participation today reflects our diversity at Mumtalakat as our Bahraini colleagues are joined by colleagues from five different countries. This is testament to our commitment as a group to ensure adherence to global best practices in our day to day business. As a holding company, we believe that our role must encompass opportunities that foster corporate governance, organisational development and transparency while facilitating knowledge sharing and networking. This is at the core of our Lunch & Learn Workshops, which we launched at the beginning of this year.”
“Today’s workshop addresses topics that are highly significant to our business environments, as no matter how well prepared we may be as an organisation, we are still exposed to various risks and crises situations in our day to day work. The interactive sessions aim to shed light on the various measures in place and what legal practitioners can do to monitor, develop and implement effective internal mechanisms to protect their respective organisations,” explained Alkooheji.
With participation from legal practitioners from nearly 30 portfolio companies including Alba, Apicorp, Asry, Arcapita, Bahrain Airport Company, Bahrain Flour Mills Company, Bahrain International Circuit, Bahrain International Golf Course Company, Bahrain Livestock Company, Batelco, Delmon Poultry Company, Durrat Khaleej Al Bahrain, Durrat Marina, FAI Aviation Group, Gulf Air, Garmco, Gulf Aviation Academy, Gulf Cryo, Gulf International Bank, McLaren Group, Mueller Middle East, NAS United Healthcare Services, National Bank of Bahrain, Oasis Capital, Russian Direct Investment Fund and Southern Tourism Company, the Legal Workshop is part of a series of educational seminars organised at regular intervals by Mumtalakat for its group of companies to facilitate collaboration, continuous learning and exchange of expertise.
The workshop sessions were presented by Joanne Emerson Taqi and Orlando Vidal, Partners at Norton Rose Fulbright (Middle East) LLP.